Tag: Karl Mancini

  • Karl Mancini – Amores Perros « burn magazine

    Karl Mancini – Amores Perros

    Karl Mancini Amores Perros   In Buenos Aires the dirty waters of Riachuelo delimit borders and people who have their houses in its proximity live in alarming conditions. On one side it is Capi…

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2018/04/karl-mancini-amores-perros/

    In Buenos Aires the dirty waters of Riachuelo delimit borders and people who have their houses in its proximity live in alarming conditions.On one side it is Capital Federal on the other it is Avellaneda, here Buenos aires there the Province. One of the suburbs on the river is called Isla Maciel.Amores Perros is a story of love and pain, a story of skin, street, drug, fight and violence. It is the story of some adolescents. Their stories are the stories of many Argentinean boys and girls who grow up on the streets, to whom the drug Paco has sold since the age of eight years old because cocaine is too expensive (20 pesos is the cost of a dose of Paco, just over one euro), whose effects last about two minutes and condemn people to life of dependence and slavery, often to death.