I think this must be my newspaper recovery phase. I feel over-indulgent and greedy in photographing these feature stories just cuz. Just cuz I’m intrigued. This world is so huge and so full of intrigue. I got to shoot so many things that interested me as a staff photographer but so much of it was just filler and important projects never got the space they deserved.
Tag: Kendrick Brinson
Sun City: A Sense of Place | Luceo Images
A special place where no one believes in acting your age
The place where growing old doesn’t mean growing up
In the heart of Arizona, photographer Kendrick Brinson found a pioneering retirement community where age is just a number.
via Huck Magazine: https://www.huckmag.com/art-and-culture/photography-2/kendrick-brinson-retirement-sun-city-arizona/
In the heart of Arizona, photographer Kendrick Brinson found a passion project she just can’t keep away from: a pioneering retirement community where age is just a number.
Fun-Filled Portraits of Life After 55 in an Arizona Retirement Community – Feature Shoot
Fun-Filled Portraits of Life After 55 in an Arizona Retirement Community – Feature Shoot
For Sun City: Life After Life, Atlanta-based photographer Kendrick Brinson documents an Arizona city catering exclusively to retirees. With an the requirement that all residents be a minimum of fifty-five years old, Sun City houses 42,500 individuals, 10,
via Feature Shoot: http://www.featureshoot.com/2014/08/photo-du-jour-sun-city-smile/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=photo-du-jour-sun-city-smile
For Sun City: Life After Life, Atlanta-based photographer Kendrick Brinson documents an Arizona city catering exclusively to retirees. With an the requirement that all residents be a minimum of fifty-five years old, Sun City houses 42,500 individuals, 10,000 of whom are in their eighties. Far from being a typical old age community, Sun City positively bursts with youthful energy, boasting dozens of recreational activities, including golfing, synchronized swimming, and cheerleading, complete with bedazzled outfits.
5 Questions for Kendrick Brinson
5 Questions for Kendrick Brinson
Kendrick Brinson is a redhead (if you know any redheads, this explains a lot). She is a documentary, portrait, and lifestyle photographer (take that, boxes), who now resides in Los Angeles, California…
via APAD blog: http://blog.aphotoaday.org/post/75587914438/5-questions-for-kendrick-brinson
Save money. Make contacts (through Agency Access, photo conferences, Facebook). Nail each shoot so the client will call you again. Take the photos and share the photos that you want to get paid to make. It’s not easy, but you can do it.
Kendrick Brinson: “Sun City: Life After Life” focuses on an active retirement community in Arizona
The Most Inspiring Senior Citizens You’ll Ever See
When Kendrick Brinson first heard of Sun City, a retirement community in Arizona that boasts a squad of senior-citizen cheerleaders, she knew she had…
via Slate Magazine: http://www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2013/08/08/kendrick_brinson_sun_city_life_after_life_focuses_on_an_active_retirement.html
When Kendrick Brinson first heard of Sun City, a retirement community in Arizona that boasts a squad of senior-citizen cheerleaders, she knew she had to visit. Sun City, the first “planned active retirement community,” had its 50th anniversary on Jan. 1, 2010; Brinson made her first trip in December 2009. Six visits and 3½ years later, Brinson released Sun City: Life After Life, a limited-edition book designed by Deb Pang Davis that she envisions as a sort of “retro brochure” or visual guidebook to the community.
Back to Sun City
It’s hard to stop working on a photo project. Sometimes there is relief that the undertaking is done. Sometimes there is longing for more. Sometimes, this time, I don’t think there will ever be a complete ending. While my trips will never be frequent again, I don’t think I’ll ever come to a point where I never want to return to Sun City.
L E N S C R A T C H: Kendrick Brinson/luceo
Kendrick Brinson’s series, Sun City, takes a look at what our parents or grandparents are up to when we are not looking. At it appears that they are having fun and making making the most of their golden years in a closed-gate culture of golf carts and lawn bowling.
If Photojournalism Is Dead, What's Luceo? – NYTimes.com
If Photojournalism Is Dead, What’s Luceo?
James Estrin believes Luceo Images is a vibrant rebuttal to the notion floated by Neil Burgess that photojournalism died last month.
via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/09/14/if-photojournalism-is-dead-whats-luceo/
I realized that the success of Luceo is a very good rebuttal to those who believe photojournalism is dead. David Walter Banks, Kendrick Brinson, Matt Eich, Kevin German, Daryl Peveto and Matt Slaby are carefully laying plans for careers of 30 to 40 more years. They are all busy with assignments and working on personal projects. They look at the same circumstances Mr. Burgess did and come to an entirely different conclusion.
Sun City: Enjoy Your Youth | Luceo Images
I happily sent myself back to Sun City for a third trip this month (the second trip in January is still under wraps for the client). I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying this project. I’ve got 13 miles of city to wander with my camera about in, and on the last go, the rental car people gave me a yellow VW bug.
Sun City: Life After Life | Luceo Images
For 50 years, those 55 and older have relocated to Sun City, Arizona, a city self-governed, a city unlike any other in the world. Sun City is 13 square miles of a retirement paradise of palm tree lined streets, each with a golf cart lane. The average age is 73. The community boasts eleven golf courses, seven recreation centers, seven swimming pools, three country clubs, 16 shopping centers and two libraries; the 42,500 residents have a lot to keep busy.
Kendrick Brinson's Year in Photos | Luceo Images
Sun City: Life After Life | Luceo Images
For 50 years, those 55 and older have relocated to Sun City, Arizona, a city self-governed, a city unlike any other in the world. Sun City is 13 square miles of a retirement paradise of palm tree lined streets, each with a golf cart lane. The average age is 73. The community boasts eleven golf courses, seven recreation centers, seven swimming pools, three country clubs, 16 shopping centers and two libraries; the 42,500 residents have a lot to keep busy.