Tag: Kiana Hayeri
Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2022 – Leica Rumors
Leica Oskar Barnack Award 2022 – Leica Rumors
The two winners of the 2022 Leica Oskar Barnack Award (LOBA), the renowned international photo competition that was held for the 42nd time this year, have now been selected: In the main category of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, it was Kiana Hayeri – born
via Leica Rumors: https://leicarumors.com/2022/10/23/leica-oskar-barnack-award-2022.aspx/
In the main category of the Leica Oskar Barnack Award, it was Kiana Hayeri – born in Iran and brought up in Canada – who convinced the jury of five. Her project, the “Written on the Ice, Left in the Sun” series, was proposed by no less than three nominators. For the Leica Oskar Barnack Award in the Newcomer category, it was German photographer Valentin Goppel who prevailed, with his “Between the Years” series. His work was submitted by the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hanover.
A Year Under the Taliban – The New York Times
A Year Under the Taliban
A single year of extremist rule has turned life upside down for Afghans, especially women. A photographer who has long called the country home captured the jarring changes.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/30/world/asia/afghanistan-kabul-taliban-women.html
Six weeks later, I returned, and for the past year I have worked on documenting life under the Taliban. (For the safety of themselves and their families, most would talk only if I agreed not to fully identify them.)
The photographer capturing the complex landscape of Sarajevo
The photographer capturing the complex landscape of Sarajevo
Kiana Hayeri first travelled to the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013, and has since documented the city’s youth navigating the complex social landscape.
via Huck Magazine: https://www.huckmag.com/art-and-culture/the-photographer-capturing-the-resilience-of-sarajevo/
Kiana Hayeri first travelled to the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2013, and has since documented the city’s youth as they navigate the complex social landscape.
Afghanistan’s Next War – The New York Times
Afghanistan’s Next War
What happens when the pandemic comes to a country in conflict?
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/22/magazine/afghanistan-coronavirus.html
Amid the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, thousands of people have crossed the border into Afghanistan, a country they once fled.
kiana hayeri – jense degar (the other sex) | burn magazine
Kiana Hayeri – Jense Degar (The Other Sex)
Kiana Hayeri Jense Degar (The Other Sex) [ EPF 2014 FINALIST ] ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Under Islamic laws, homosexuality is not recognized and is considered to be a sin. Contrary to what is…
via burn magazine: https://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2014/10/kiana-hayeri-jense-degar-the-other-sex/
Amir is 19 year old. He is a bold Iranian homosexual. He has been accepted and supported by his family and has survived in a society where his existence as a homosexual is denied
EPF 2014 – the winners | burn magazine
EPF 2014 – the winners
EPF 2014 WINNERS Alessandro Penso, winner – $10,000 Birte Kaufmann, runner-up – $3,000 Kiana Hayeri, honorable mention EPF 2014 FINALIST…
via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2014/10/epf-2014-the-winners/
Alessandro Penso, winner – $10,000
Birte Kaufmann, runner-up – $3,000
Kiana Hayeri, honorable mention