Ryan and Pollack began by speaking about different ways in which their publications have used smartphone images in the last few years. For a 2010 New York Times Magazine cover story about twentysomethings, Ryan said, she commissioned smartphone images because she felt they fit the subject matter. “We never had any objections…we see it as one more way of making pictures,” she said.
Tag: Kira Pollack
Kathy Ryan, Kira Pollack, and Benjamin Lowy Discuss Their Use of Instagram
Changing Time: How LightBox has renewed Time’s commitment to photography
Changing Time: How LightBox has renewed Time’s commitment to photography
Each Thursday at 4pm, the photo editors at Time Magazine gather around a projector in one of the Time-Life building’s numerous meeting rooms in New York. Once divided across different silos – the print staff on one side and the online staff on another – f
via British Journal of Photography: http://www.bjp-online.com/british-journal-of-photography/profile/2285865/changing-time-how-lightbox-has-renewed-times-commitment-to-photography
Launched in 2011, Time’s LightBox has quickly established itself as one of the world’s best photography websites, but it has also dramatically altered the way Time Magazine uses and presents images online. Olivier Laurent speaks with director of photography Kira Pollack
by Jim ColtonTuesday night, October 30th, 1984. The phone rings around midnight. Myra Kreiman, one of my colleagues in the photo department at Newsweek, was watching ABC’s Nightline which claimed at the very end of the segment, that Indira Gandhi may have
via NPPA: https://nppa.org/node/27277
To find out how she manages all of TIME’s photographic coverage for the print version as well as their web site, I asked Kira Pollack about the many hats that a director of photography needs to wear.
Kira Pollack in Conversation with Adriana Teresa
Adriana Teresa: What would you say is the most significant progression in photography today?
Kira Pollack: Speed. In the digital world, the speed and the demand for speed that stories need to be communicated—and published—is astronomical. The most critical thing that we can do as editors is to be as thoughtful as possible in response to that speed. We need to get the images published as quickly as possible, but with journalistic integrity.Link: New York Photo Festival » Kira Pollack in Conversation with Adriana Teresa
Behind the Scenes: From Times to Time
Link: Behind the Scenes: From Times to Time – Lens Blog – NYTimes.com:Kira Pollack, the deputy photo editor of The New York Times Magazine, has been named director of photography at Time magazine, for both its print and Web versions.