2010 ended in utter disaster: car wrecks, camera wrecks, personal wrecks. Photographically, I’ve never had a better year. There were publications, exhibitions, and awards throughout the year, and they’re continuing through the beginning of 2011.
Tag: M. Scott Brauer
M. Scott Brauer: This is the worst party I’ve ever been to. | LENSCRATCH
M. Scott Brauer: This is the worst party I’ve ever been to.
This week, I thought it would be a good time to focus on work that speaks to an unseen America-an America often overlooked, sometimes forgotten, and so desperate for change that our government’s fate is now in the hands of… the unknown. Today we start
via LENSCRATCH: http://lenscratch.com/2016/11/m-scott-brauer/
M.Scott Brauer, a photographer who spent two years documenting a variety of candidates and campaigns, providing an visual operatic sound track to the most unique process of selecting a president with his project, This is the worst party I’ve ever been to
NW Photojournalism Seattle event: Matt Lutton and M. Scott Brauer present recent projects – 18 Oct. 2015 | dvafoto
NW Photojournalism Seattle event: Matt Lutton and M. Scott Brauer present recent projects – 18 Oct. 2015
I’m excited to announce that Matt and I will be showing some of our recent work this Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015, in Seattle at Machine House Brewery as guests of the NW Photojournalism community. The event starts at 7pm and is at Machine House Brewery. The address is 5840 Airport Way S., Seattle, WA, 98108. Here is the facebook event page. We hope to see you there!
Here’s What It’s Like to Be a Russian Journalist
Here’s What It’s Like to Be a Russian Journalist
The Olympics sparked a deep examination by U.S. media of Russia’s policies and politics, so it’s eye-opening to see how the country’s own media operates. Photographer M. Scott Brauer spent a month painstakingly documenting Russia’s journalism industry and
via WIRED: http://www.wired.com/rawfile/2014/02/brauer-russian-newsrooms/
The Olympics sparked a deep examination by U.S. media of Russia’s policies and politics, so it’s eye-opening to see how the country’s own media operates. Photographer M. Scott Brauer spent a month painstakingly documenting Russia’s journalism industry and found that, visually, at least, it is indistinguishable from media in the U.S.
M. Scott Brauer: 2013 in pictures
Link: M. Scott Brauer: 2013 in pictures | dvafoto
The selection above might not be my best or most widely published images from the year, but they’re some of my favorites. Some have personal meaning, some represent a risk I took in my approach, and some feel like I’ve come close to hitting the mark. I’m never content with my work, but as with every year, I’m happy to see a little growth in what I’m doing.
Worth a look: 100eyes – China: The Past is a Foreign Place | dvafoto
the talented group of photographers that comprise this issue: James Whitlow Delano, Markel Redondo, Katharina Hesse, Ryan Pyle, Xiqi Yuang, Wayne Liu, Carolyn Drake, Rian Dundon, Tim Franco, Eric Guo, Christian Als and Holly Wilmeth, M. Scott Brauer
Link: Worth a look: 100eyes – China: The Past is a Foreign Place | dvafoto
M. Scott Brauer’s Year in Photos | dvafoto
The Visual Student » Working Abroad: M. Scott Brauer
Brauer: “I’m currently based in China, working on various long-term publications. I’m represented by Invision Images in Europe, Aurora Select in the US through a partnership with Invision, and Wonderful Machine in the US, as well. I get by selling stock, periodic assignments, corporate shoots now and again, and some web design on the side. I got here by sheer force of will, I suppose.”
dvafoto – M. Scott Brauer and Matt Lutton
We’ve also been doing an interview series; so far, we’ve published q&a’s with Eric Kayne and Jon Cazenave and we’ve got more underway. Interviews are shaping up to be once a week, and everything else gets posted whenever it seems right. We’ve also got a photo deadline calendar accessible online and which can be added to ical or other calendar applications.