This week Photojournalism Now: Friday Round Up celebrates Refugee Week (17-23 June), by showcasing stories from three photographers whose recent work focuses on refugees, the Rohingya crisis Patric…
This week Photojournalism Now: Friday Round Up celebrates Refugee Week (17-23 June), by showcasing stories from three photographers whose recent work focuses on refugees, the Rohingya crisis Patrick Brown, and Paul Choy and Magnus Wennman, Syria.
Adam Ferguson was named Photographer of the Year in the 75th Pictures of the Year International competition, for work on assignment for The New York Times. Newspaper Photographer of the Year went to Magnus Wennman of Aftonbladet, a Swedish tabloid.
Magnus Wennman of Sweden is POYi Newspaper Photographer of the Year, Matthias Hangst of Germany is Sports Photographer of the Year; other winners named.
Magnus Wennman, staff photographer at the Swedish daily newspaper Aftonbladet, has won Newspaper Photographer of the Year honors at the 75th annual Pictures of the Year International competition. German photographer Matthias Hangst of Getty Images won Sports Photographer of the Year. The POYi competition is run by the University of Missouri School of Journalism.