Photographer Mariella Furrer sees My Piece of Sky, her 700-page book documenting child sexual abuse in South Africa, as both a record and a catalyst for her life’s work.
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you–Maya Angelou When I was about five years old, I was sexually abused by a stranger … The molestation could not have lasted more than a couple of minutes, but the incident affected my lif
I want to start this post by commending Mariella Furrer for taking on the heroic task of shedding light on the the global phenomenon of child sexual abuse. It’s a subject that many would rather not see brought to light, but by forcing us to look at and experience the trauma that these acts produce, it will only make our war cry against them louder. Mariella started documenting child sexual abuse in 2002 when a U.S. women’s magazine hired her to take photographs for a story about infant rape in South Africa
Beyond Assignment is a documentary produced by The Knight Center for International Media at the University of Miami, which explores the approach of three female photojournalists (Adriana Zehbrauskas, Gali Tibbon and Mariella Furrer.
For more than seven years, Mariella Furrer has been involved with a project so draining, Kerri MacDonald reports, that she has had to seek medical help.
When she’s at work, Mariella Furrer sits on the floor. She doesn’t move, and rarely speaks.
For more than seven years, Ms. Furrer has been involved with a project so draining that she has had to seek medical help. Photographing young victims of sexual abuse in South Africa would be difficult for anyone, but Ms. Furrer, 41, is herself a victim of sexual abuse.