Entering a New World: Reviewed by Blake Andrews
Book Review Entering a New World Photographs by Massimo Vitali Reviewed by Blake Andrews Whether relaxing beachside, exploring the r…
Link: https://blog.photoeye.com/2020/06/light-break-reviewed-by-blake-andrews.html
“That book is enormous!” cried my wife upon spotting Entering a New World, the new monograph by Italian photographer Massimo Vitali. Her reaction is a good summary review. Every aspect of the book is gargantuan. It’s more than 14 inches across, 11 inches tall, weighs 6.4 pounds, and covers ten years of shooting. For most of his career, Vitali has used large-format cameras to absorb acres of subject matter all at once, every corner reproduced in exquisite detail. There are no half measures here. Instead, we are presented with a full-corpus embrace of the world.