Photographer Melissa Lyttle explores interesting lives.
I don’t know where to start. Haiti, even on a good day, is an exhaustive assault on the senses. Even on its worst, you know it’s not the people of Haiti that are the problem.
Link: the life of m: Ayiti!
Link: The Visual Student » Preparing for Barnstorm XXII: Melissa Lyttle:
It’s true what you hear. You will not sleep. You may miss meals while on assignment. Be prepared for both. Bring some granola bars or other snacks to keep in your camera bag. Get some sleep before you get there so you don’t come in already spent. I hate seeing students sleep through some great presentations because they stayed up all week before the workshop reworking their portfolios, and they’ve stayed up each night at the workshop drinking crappy beer and chatting with friends. But when those lights go out in the barn, eyes close, heads go down… and a lot of powerful pictures and inspiration are missed.
She was found curled up in a filthy room, unable to speak or make eye contact.
They called her a feral child.
Could nurturing make up for a lifetime of neglect?
The girl in the window is a story about a 9-year-old girl named Dani. Ultimately it’s a story about hope.
Check it out here.
I tried staying on the periphery today — details… the crowd… the lights… secret service agents… all caught my eye.
Check it out here.
photography is not only a record of the moment and of the event in front of you — for me it’s also a record of myself. and there are times, when i want no paper trail, no indicator of my mood, no recollection of the destination… no memory of myself.
Check it out here.
My favorite writer and I are starting an absolutely heartbreaking story on a little girl named Dani, who was removed from her biological mom’s home a year ago. When the police found her she was locked in a room about the size of a closet, living in her own excrement (and that of a cat that was locked in there with her), with nothing more than a baby bottle and a bare mattress. That’s apparently where she spent the first 7 years of her life.
Check it out here.