Tag: Mitch Alland

  • Mitch Alland – Alone in Bangkok « burn magazine

    Mitch Alland – Alone in Bangkok

     Mieczysław “Mitch” AllandAlone in BangkokThe title Alone in Bangkok echoes the English title of Hans Fallada’s German wartime novel, Alone in Berlin. As one reviewer wrote, “Fallada’s master…

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2016/05/mitch-alland-alone-in-bangkok/

    The title Alone in Bangkok echoes the English title of Hans Fallada’s German wartime novel, Alone in Berlin. As one reviewer wrote, “Fallada’s masterpiece has “its emphasis on the solitude in which moral choices are made.” For me, these photographs reflect the situation in Thailand. Bangkok has grown exponentially in recent decades, mainly through migration of people from the countryside. This massive inflow has created the current economic and political upheavals in a huge, chaotic, tropical city — one that has experienced rapid economic and social change under the impact of modernization