Tag: Phil Borges

  • Phil Borges: Women Empowered

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    ::: The Travel Photographer :::: Phil Borges: Women Empowered:

    Phil Borges, the acclaimed documentary photographer and CARE, the humanitarian organization that fights global poverty by empowering women and girls, are continuing a successful multi-year collaboration with the launch of the Women Empowered Project.

  • Heroes of Photography

    Heroes of Photography

    (Thanks to A Photo A Day for pointing this out to me.)
    From American Photo, “a tribute to ten photographers who inspire us”:

    Not one of the photographers featured on the following pages wanted to be called a hero. We sympathize: The word is immodest and certainly overused these days. Nonetheless, we can’t help but consider them heroic, and when you read their stories, we think you’ll understand why.

    The photographers are:
    Phil Borges, John Dugdale, Timothy Fadek, Stanley Greene, Chris Hondros, Yunghi Kim, Joseph Rodriguez, Fazal Sheikh, Brent Stirton, Hazel Thomspon

    The photo above is from Stanley Greene. His book on Chechnya, Open Wound, sits on my bookshelf. It’s too powerful to go through in one sitting.

    American Photo’s Heroes of Photography
    A Photo A Day