Dan Winters interview part 3. Part 1 is (here). Part 2 is (here). Rob: So when did you move to Austin? Dan: We moved in 2000. I knew going into this that there’s no market in Austin. There are a lot of photographers here… Rob: It’s amazing how many photog
Rob: That leads me to my next question, the now legendary fact that you deliver final prints, and that’s it.
Dan: Yeah usually, and it’s one of those things, too, where when I started out in New York, I really stuck my neck out a little bit, but I say I know the kind of picture I want to make, and I know the aesthetic that I want to apply to the picture. And I knew back then, at that time, the kind of pictures I was making. They’re different now, but when you look at them, you see they’re very similar, really. They really are. They’re square, little square black and white pictures, but they’re very similar to the ones that I do now and have done for many years. I felt like a part of my job was to see the thing through all the way, and I knew exactly what I wanted, so I didn’t want someone editing what my version of the picture was.