On this weeks Go Creative Show, Cinematographer Nancy Schreiber joins host Ben Consoli to discuss her career and latest film Mapplethorpe. Nancy shares
On this weeks Go Creative Show, Cinematographer Nancy Schreiber joins host Ben Consoli to discuss her career and latest film Mapplethorpe. Nancy shares her experience shooting on film, navigating tight production budgets, the reality of being a woman in the film industry.
A photographer is suing the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation and several prominent New York museums and galleries for $65 million, alleging copyright infringement over images of Mapplethorpe in drag that have long been identified as self-portraits.
Because he’s become part of the canon, with auction prices to match, but there are still places — The New York Times is one — where his most sexually charged photographs are considered too transgressive for reproduction.
A quarter-century later, canonization is complete. In Los Angeles, a doubleheader retrospective, “Robert Mapplethorpe: The Perfect Medium,” is on view at both the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. A documentary film, “Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures,” will have its debut Monday on HBO. Rumor has it that a biopic is in the works. An artist once reviled as a pariah and embraced as a martyr has been thoroughly absorbed into mainstream. He’s now a classic, with auction prices to match. The question is, how does the work, cleaned of the grit of controversy, hold up?
How should we think about the work of Robert Mapplethorpe today — post-sadomasochism, beyond the culture wars and after the first wave of the AIDS epidemic? What does Robert Mapplethorpe have left for us?
Speaking with reporters as they exited the museum Tuesday, young visitors were near unanimous in their praise for the facility and the activities it offered. “They had all sorts of cool outfits to dress up in and fun things to play with,” said 9-year-old Dylan Titus as he held up a black-and-white photograph of himself wearing a studded codpiece and a boa constrictor over his shoulders, which was taken at the museum’s Mapplethorpe Juniors Photo Booth. “I got to play with a real bullwhip, too. It was so much fun.”