Tag: Sarah Pabst

  • Sarah Pabst – Zukunft « burn magazine

    Sarah Pabst – Zukunft

    Sarah Pabst Zukunft [ EPF 2017 – HONORABLE MENTION ] I was still standing on a northern corner. Moonlit winter clouds the color of the desperation of wolves. Proof of Your existence? There is…

    via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/epf-2017/2017/11/sarah-pabst-zukunft/

    Between 1933-1945 Germany and many parts of Europe were dominated by Nazism and World War II. 72 years later, the traumatic experiences of this period are still present in Europe. Memories are associated with pain, violence and threat. In Germany in particular, this legacy took the form of guilt in post-war generations, ashamed by the events and their place in history. This work is traversed by that history. My grandparents survived the war and just as many of their generation they have passed away and now their memories will soon be part of the past.