Scott Dalton: Where the River Bends – LENSCRATCH
Looking at work from PhotoNOLA… Photographer Scott Dalton brings a visual reality to two cities, co-joined by a bridge, economic and historical connections. Brought to light in the news and in the television show, The Bridge, Juárez and El Paso are not cities of equals–they may share a border, but not a quality of life. His
Photographer Scott Dalton brings a visual reality to two cities, co-joined by a bridge, economic and historical connections. Brought to light in the news and in the television show, The Bridge, Juárez and El Paso are not cities of equals–they may share a border, but not a quality of life. His well-seen project, Where the River Bends, explores the realities of life on both sides of the bridge and makes us examine the idea of boundaries and borders. As Scott states, “I am also interested in the idea of the proximity and possibility of the American Dream and what that means to people on both sides of the border”.