Chicago Tribune staff photographer Scott Strazzante has built an Instagram following of more than 18,000, and is also author of a popular blog called Shooting from the Hip. He sat down for a video interview with PDN at the Look3 Festival of the Photograph
He sat down for a video interview with PDN at the Look3 Festival of the Photograph in Charlottesville, Virginia last month to explain the tools and techniques he uses to capture unguarded moments of everyday people on the streets of Chicago, New York and other cities
I no longer seek perfection; in fact, I embrace the flaws in mine and others’ photography. I seek out subtle images that allow me to linger and discover small surprises as I soak in an image’s content. However, as a daily newspaper photographer, I can’t get too caught up in my “art.” I strive to make images that are unique and creative but also accessible to all who view them.
Since I was assigned my first Cubs’ game of the season last night, I figured I would knock out another neighborhood watch post. Obviously, I photographed Wrigleyville.
Each year, the amount of news I cover varies wildly. Some years, I happen to be in the right place at the right time while other years, I barely sniff any news assignements for months on end.
Today, I decided to concentrate on the chairs that people put out by the curb.
In an hour of driving around the streets in Chicago’s Pilsen neighborhood, I photographed well over 50 different types of chairs.
Each year, I try to work on something different.
One year was a photo column, another year I worked on portraits and last year I actually used my strobe while doing on a story.
My new thing in 2010 was street photography.
Over the next several days, I will share in parts, my favorites from 2010.
Today, is a collection of news photos including images from some of my projects.
I could have spent an extra hour sitting on my couch watching the Bears’ game before leisurely driving into the city for tonight’s Hawks’ game but instead, I left early so that I could squeeze in a bit of street photography.