Facing Fire: Art, Wildfire, and the End of Nature in the New West
Natural disasters are ever increasing with climate change, and in California, we have been bracing ourselves for The Big One for decades. We are kept alert by tremors and shakers that seem to state,”Don’t get too comfortable”, but another disaster, insidi
via LENSCRATCH: http://lenscratch.com/2020/02/facing-fire-art-wildfire-and-the-end-of-nature-in-the-new-west/
Opening on February 22nd, UCR ARTS: California Museum of Photography will host the exhibition, Facing Fire:Art, Wildfire, and the End of Nature in the New West, curated by Douglas McCulloh. This massive exhibition looks at fire as omen and elemental force, as metaphor and personal experience. There will be an Opening Reception: February 29, 2020, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.and the exhibition runs through August 9th, 2020. The artists include Noah Berger, Kevin Cooley, Josh Edelson, Samantha Fields, Jeff Frost, Luther Gerlach, Christian Houge, Richard Hutter, Christoph Kapeller, Benoit Malphettes,Anna Mayer , Cody Norris , Stuart Palley, Norma I. Quintana, Justin Sullivan, and Joan Wulf.