Tag: Susan Meiselas

  • Moving Walls 22 – Watching You, Watching Me: A Photographic Response to Surveillance – The Eye of Photography

    Moving Walls 22 – Watching You, Watching Me: A Photographic Response to Surveillance With radical and varied visual responses, the ten photographers in this edition of Moving Walls take a long view of the question of surveillance. The thematic curation orchestrated by Yukiko Yamagata, Susan Meiselas and Stuart Alexander reflects on the scope of documentary…

  • Empowering Photographers to Embrace an Uncertain Future

    Empowering Photographers to Embrace an Uncertain Future

    Empowering Photographers to Embrace an Uncertain Future The Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas encourages others to embrace the changing landscape of the photo industry and connect with their viewers more intimately. via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/02/26/empowering-photographers-to-embrace-an-uncertain-future/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0 With a torrent of images from the mundane to the momentous on social media and online, Susan Meiselas has been thinking…

  • Susan Meiselas Interview

    Susan Meiselas – Interview Interview with Susan   David Alan Harvey: Young photographers are looking towards us to help them find the way. We are struggling with that, but you’ve evolved from a photo journalist at a ver… via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2012/06/susan-meiselas-interview/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+burnmag+%28burn+magazine%29 You need people who believe that it is still important to see what…

  • A Postcard From Rochester

    A Postcard From Rochester

    A Postcard From Rochester Last May, five Magnum photographers (Paolo Pellegrin, Jim Goldberg, Susan Meiselas, Mikhael Subotzky and myself) and the writer Ginger Strand, set out from San Antonio, Texas in an RV named Uncle J… via LITTLE BROWN MUSHROOM BLOG: http://littlebrownmushroom.wordpress.com/2012/04/15/a-postcard-from-rochester/ Ten Magnum photographers will be working in Rochester. Two of these photographers have already…

  • Postcards From America: Five Photographers, a Writer, Two Weeks and a Bus

    Postcards From America: Five Photographers, a Writer, Two Weeks and a Bus

    LightBox | Time Read the latest stories about LightBox on Time via Time: http://lightbox.time.com/2011/05/11/postcards-from-america-five-photographers-a-writer-two-weeks-and-a-bus/#1 Magnum Photographers Alec Soth, Jim Goldberg, Susan Meiselas, Paolo Pellegrin, Mikhael Subotsky, and writer Ginger Strand are a bunch of friends going on a homespun adventure; a two week road trip, from May 11-26, across America. Rather than a super group on…

  • Postcards From America

    Postcards From America

    I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about the new Magnum project, Postcards From America. Th

  • SUSAN MEISELAS: "Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany"

    SUSAN MEISELAS: "Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany"

    Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany Carnival Strippers, 1973 Susan Meiselas in Conversation with David Campany DAVID CAMPANY: Much of your work seems to be based very much on process, particularly more recent work such as the Kurdistan project and ‘Encounters with the Dani’. Obviously w via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2010/10/susan-meiselas-susan-meiselas-in.html I don’t go…

  • Extending the Frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas (2006)

    AMERICANSUBURB X: INTERVIEW: “Extending the Frame: An Interview with Susan Meiselas (2006)”: Susan Meiselas has represented difficult issues with innovative approaches throughout her thirty-year career as a documentary media artist. Her awards include the Robert Capa Gold Medal (1979), the MacArthur Fellowship (1992), and the Hasselblad Prize (1994). A self-described “human rights” photographer and filmmaker,…

  • photographylot: Susan Meiselas

    Last week I went to the opening of the new shows at the ICP museum but as always with openings it was difficult to take in the work properly, so today I went back to check them out, specifically the Susan Meiselas retrospective. I call it that because there is work from the most famous…

  • Magnum Photos – Susan Meiselas – Photography – New York Times

    Susan Meiselas is looking a bit shaken. She has just heard that her trip to Guinea, scheduled to start the next day, has been canceled; her driver there has been assaulted and is fleeing the country. She is working with Human Rights Watch photographing child domestic workers, and clearly someone didn’t like it. Her assignment…