Tag: Susie Linfield

  • SUSIE LINFIELD: “An Excerpt from ‘The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence’” (2010)

    SUSIE LINFIELD: “An Excerpt from ‘The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence’” (2010)

    SUSIE LINFIELD: An Excerpt from ‘The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence’ (2010) Eddie Adams, Saigon Execution, Vietnam, 1968 A Little History of Photography Criticism; or, Why Do Photography Critics Hate Photography? (An excerpt from The Cruel Radiance, Photography and Political Violence) By Susie Linfield In 1846, Charles via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2012/02/susie-linfield-excerpt-from-cruel.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Americansuburb+%28ASX+%7C+AMERICAN+SUBURB+X+%7C+Photography+%26+Culture%29 These moments…