Tag: Terje Abusdal

  • Terje Abusdal – The Forest Finns « burn magazine

    Terje Abusdal – The Forest Finns

    Terje Abusdal The Forest Finns [ EPF 2017 – FINALIST ] Finnskogen – directly translated as The Forest of the Finns – is a large, contiguous forest belt along the Norwegian-Swedish border, where far…

    via burn magazine: https://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2018/09/terje-abusdal-the-forest-finns/

    Finnskogen – directly translated as The Forest of the Finns – is a large, contiguous forest belt along the Norwegian-Swedish border, where farming families from Finland settled in the early 1600s. The immigrants – called Forest Finns – were slash-and-burn farmers. This ancient agricultural method yielded bountiful crops but required large areas of land as the soil was quickly exhausted. Population growth eventually led to a scarcity of resources in their native Finland and, fuelled by famine and war, forced a wave of migration in search for new territories.