Fotofest Week: Tira Khan: Growing Up Girl
I was glad to have a chance to revisit Tira Khan’s project, Growing Up Girl, at Fotofest’s The International Meeting Place Reviews. As a participant observer of those under her own roof–in particular, her three daughters–she has a ring side seat to wi
I was glad to have a chance to revisit Tira Kahn’s project, Growing Up Girl, at Fotofest’s The International Meeting Place Reviews. As a participant observer of those under her own roof–in particular, her three daughters–she has a ring side seat to witness and synthesize contemporary girlhood. The series focuses on the exploration of self, long afternoons on the couch, piles of laundry, endless grooming, birthdays, friendships, music, and the trying on of future personas. Tira’s work is authentic in it’s observations, giving us a window into her family’s life, but universal in it’s description of growing up female.