Christopher Morris is familiar with working in controlled environments. From following the rigid protocols of the White House to the totalitarian bubble of North Korea, he has captured lyrical and telling moments under watchful eyes and strict boundaries. Over the last two weeks, Morris, a TIME contract photographer, has been on assignment in Libya and encountered some surprising similarities to some of the places he’s worked in the past.
Tag: Vincent Laforet
Chase Jarvis LIVE Re-Watch: a convo with Vincent Laforet
In a fast moving world… We could all do with a roll of 36 exposures
There’s no “delete” button in film… no way to erase your mistakes… no “do over” button. Your masterpieces and more often than not their very opposites are a matter of record for all to see the moment you press that shutter. And that makes you take things a bit more seriously. If forces you to study the craft, as repeating mistakes is literally: expensive
Apple’s 2019 Mac Pro – First Impressions « Vincent Laforet’s Blog
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The New Canon 5D MkIV – The Perfect Balance « Vincent Laforet’s Blog
The New Canon 5D MkIV – The Perfect Balance
The size and weight of this camera and 30 MP will find its way to be the perfect companion to many out there! It lives just perfectly between the 1DX MKII and 5DS/R … A little BEAST!
Project AIR Workflow « Vincent Laforet’s Blog
Project AIR Workflow
The speed at which we need to turn images around can be critical. In Europe, it was not uncommon to edit an 8,000-9,000 frame shoot on Saturday. To shoot the following city Sunday. And to complete final edit of BOTH of those cities (nearly 18,000 RAW frames) the following day just hours prior to a release of selects to the press and to the public.
Photo Brigade Podcast #60 with Vincent Laforet | The Photo Brigade
Photo Brigade Podcast #60 with Vincent Laforet – The Photo Brigade
On this episode, Robert chats with Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and commercial director Vincent Laforet.
via The Photo Brigade:
On this episode I chat with Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and commercial director Vincent Laforet. We’ve been friends for over a decade and we discuss Vincent’s background in photography, his transition from sports to news, from staff to freelance, from editorial to commercial, from stills to video, and back again. We talk about the importance of networking, workshops, diversifying, and the business of photography. We also learn more about Vincent’s upcoming project that will have him shooting aerials of major cities around the world. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this special birthday episode of The Photo Brigade Podcast.
My First Solo Book: VISUAL STORIES
Conversation with Vincent Laforet on Gear, Career, Vision and More
Chase Jarvis Talks w Pulitzer Photographer Vincent Laforet
Chase Jarvis interviews Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Vincent Laforet and discuss photography, filmmaking, career, gear, and more.
via Chase Jarvis Photography:
The following is a transcription excerpt from a conversation a while back on #cjLIVE between yours truly and my dear friend, Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and filmmaker Vincent Laforet where we discuss gear, professional career, creative vision and more. We’ve got it on video (link at end of this post), but I think the transcript is nice because you can skim the conversation in just a couple minutes. And there are some nuggets in there from Vince…
Vincent Laforet – The Future Of Photography Is Convergence
Vincent Laforet – The Future Of Photography Is Convergence – A Photo Editor
Rob: I want to talk with you about the post you made last week on your blog (here) where you asked people to guess the camera you used to make an image then revealed it was a frame grab from the Red Epic M digital cinema camera. Vincent: First of all, thi
via A Photo Editor:
Rob: I want to talk with you about the post you made last week on your blog (here) where you asked people to guess the camera you used to make an image then revealed it was a frame grab from the Red Epic M digital cinema camera.
Photographers Hiring Help – New vs. Old (school)
Photographers Hiring Help – New vs. Old (school) – A Photo Editor
How ironic. Aghan-girl-on-the-cover-of-Nat-Geo photographer Steve McCurry and my-dslr-is-a-freaking-movie-camera photographer Vincent LaForet post help wanted ads 1 day apart. Old schooler McCurry goes for the craigslist classified ad seeking an intern wh
via A Photo Editor:
How ironic. Aghan-girl-on-the-cover-of-Nat-Geo photographer Steve McCurry and my-dslr-is-a-freaking-movie-camera photographer Vincent LaForet post help wanted ads 1 day apart.
A Photo Editor – Vincent Laforet Goes Beyond The Still
Vincent Laforet Goes Beyond The Still – A Photo Editor
I was talking with Vincent Laforet about the contest he’s working on with Vimeo and Canon called “Beyond The Still” (here) and I decided to take the opportunity to interview him about his own transition from newspaper photographer to Hollywood commercial
via A Photo Editor:
I was talking with Vincent Laforet about the contest he’s working on with Vimeo and Canon called “Beyond The Still” (here) and I decided to take the opportunity to interview him about his own transition from newspaper photographer to Hollywood commercial director. I was as big a skeptic as any when Vincent released “Reverie,” the first short photographed with a 5D that read more like a cologne commercial, but the list of elite DP’s who’ve volunteered to judge this contest has me believing people are really embracing the new technology and running with it. I give it up to Vincent for being on the tip of the spear with where this is headed and bringing his professionalism and sense of community with him.
Sports Shooter Newsletter Decade Collection
CLICK NOTE: Of anything I’ve posted all week, these are fascinating looks into the experiences behind photographs by great photographers. You’ll all fixate on different photographers, but each of these is worth taking a minute of your day for. And they’re not all sports, by the way.
As this decade ends, I wanted to commemorate its passing by collecting images from these special people that have helped me over the years. I asked them to select an image of theirs that is historic, unique, revealing or memorable.
Most of all, I wanted the image to be something personal … an image special to them.
Link: Sports Shooter Newsletter Decade Collection
Here are direct links to each photographer’s story: Robert Hanashiro, Robert Beck, Matt Brown, Dave Burnett, Darren Carroll, Bob Deutsch, Dave Honl, Chuck Liddy, Brad Mangin, Rod Mar, Matt Mendelsohn, Don Miralle, Peter Read Miller, Paul Morse, Trent Nelson, Anne Ryan, Robert Seale, Wally Skalij, Pete Souza, Jack Gruber and Vince Laforet
Visions of China: A 2008 Olympics Picture Blog : A Third of the Way Through: Time for a Little Introspection.
Photo by Vincent Laforet/NewsweekWe’re about a third of the way through the Olympic Games as of the end of today – and I’ve always found this to be a good point to look back through the images I’ve made so far, and to make adjustments on how I will shoot from here on out.
This of course has put me in a very introspective mood. Truth be told I’m not thrilled with any of the images I’ve taken so far, and as a result my head has been in the clouds for most of the day. I’m trying to figure out how I can change my approach from this point on, in an effort to produce images that I will be proud of, and that hopefully this blog’s readers will appreciate throughout the rest of the games.Trying to figure out what to do next has led me to asking one of the most basic questions that most sports photographers ask themselves on a regular basis: How exactly do you define a great sports photograph?
Check it out here.
Pulitzer-winning photojournalist visits Medill – Campus
Not every moment can be a Kodak moment, photojournalist Vincent Laforet said, which is why sometimes a photographer’s job is to make “something out of nothing.”
Check it out here.
Olympic Photo "Dream Team" – PDNPulse
Newsweek has announced that photographers Vincent Laforet, Donald Miralle and Mike Powell will be on exclusive assignment for the magazine to cover the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Check it out here.