5B4: Distance and Slow Boat by Onaka Koji

Distance and Slow Boat by Onaka Koji

Yutaka Takanashi in an interview once described his approach while working on Toshi-e as, “…two conflicting creatures settled into my b…

Link: http://5b4.blogspot.com/2010/02/distance-and-slow-boat-by-onaka-koji.html

Yutaka Takanashi in an interview once described his approach while working on Toshi-e as, “…two conflicting creatures settled into my body. One is a ‘hunter of images’, aiming exclusively to shoot down the invisible, and the other is a ‘scrap picker’ who can only believe in what is visible.” Onaka Koji, a contemporary scrap picker to Takanashi has produced several books over the past ten years, of which, Slow Boat and Distance are my favorites.