tilde de wandel – gaza | burn magazine

tilde de wandel – gaza

[slidepress gallery=’tildedewandel_gaza’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Tilde De Wandel Gaza play this essay   Winter…

via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2010/10/tilde-de-wandel-gaza/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+burnmag+%28burn+magazine%29

Winter 2008-2009. Israel bombs Gaza for 3 weeks. Operation ‘Cast Lead’ kills over 1400 people. I watch the news channels and develop the strong desire to go there and experiencing the life in a war zone. I leave but I don’t get further than the West Bank.

Life under occupation intrigues me. An external power dominating your life. Being a prisoner in your own country.