michal novotny – street kids in odessa | burn magazine

michal novotny – street kids in odessa

[slidepress gallery=’michalnovotny_streetkidsinodessa2′] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Michal Novotny Street Kids in Odess…

via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2011/01/michal-novotny-street-kids-in-odessa/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+burnmag

On Odessa streets, children from all over Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Prydnestovye and Russia coexist. “According to…official statistics about three thousand children live in the streets of Odessa. According to the words of the specialists it is just a top of the iceberg”, says Tatiana Semikop, Chief of Criminal Militia on Youth Affairs. No one has real data on the number of homeless children in Ukraine, but the country is overflowing with a third wave of child homelessness. During the first two waves of the Civil War and Second World War, children became orphans when their parents died. The majority of modern homeless childrens’ parents are alive. An awful concept has appeared in Ukraine: “social orphans,” children who in theory have somewhere to go, but who will go never there.