Kurt Markus Interview – Part 2

Kurt Markus Interview – Part 2 – A Photo Editor

[Part 1 is here] Rob: The book “After Barbed Wire” came out and your phone started ringing with a few assignments, then you had a gallery show in New York and more assignments, so did your career take off like a rocket after that? Kurt: It was a great tim

via A Photo Editor: http://www.aphotoeditor.com/2011/07/28/kurt-markus-interview-part-2/

Well there’s the other thing. I’ve never thought of photography as a competition. They hired me because they wanted me, not because I’m the best photographer, but I’m a photographer that they wanted. And they could just as easily picked someone else, but they made individual choices where I’m not interchangeable with someone else. That’s why I don’t think of it as a competition.