Mighty Nikon Joins Mirrorless Revolution

Mighty Nikon Joins Mirrorless Revolution

Sample ISO 100 Nikon V1 image. Giant version here, more samples here. Surprise! Mighty giant Nikon has landed with fanfare in the mirrorless market pioneered by Olympus and Panasonic and Micro 4/3. As expected, Nikon opted to create its own…

via The Online Photographer: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2011/09/mighty-nikon-joins-mirrorless-revolution.html

Surprise! Mighty giant Nikon has landed with fanfare in the mirrorless market pioneered by Olympus and Panasonic and Micro 4/3. As expected, Nikon opted to create its own proprietary system rather than join the Micro 4/3 standard*.