William Patry’s How to Fix Copyright: deftly argued, incandescent book on the evidence-free state of copyright law

Patry’s How to Fix Copyright: deftly argued, incandescent book on the evidence-free state of copyright law

William Patry is no copyright radical. He’s the author of some of the major reference texts on copyright, books that most copyright lawyers would have on their bookcases, books like Patry on …

via Boing Boing: http://boingboing.net/2011/12/09/patrys-how-to-fix-copyri.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

Bad copyright law, enacted on the basis of flimsy, cooked statistics (or worse, purely anaecdotal “evidence”) is not serving to enrich artists, though it is funneling enormous wealth to their corporate publishers, studios and labels (especially the executive suites in those firms, where compensation in the tens of millions is handed out by firms that are “dying of piracy”). These laws are dismantling our culture, criminalizing our children and neighbors, attacking our cherished institutions, and distorting the progress of poor nations around the world