The Most Desirable Cameras on the Planet: Numbers 3, 2, and 1

The Most Desirable Cameras on the Planet: Numbers 3, 2, and 1

…To continue from Number 4, yesterday…. The Fuji X100 next to a Leica MP. Photos by Ken Tanaka, from his X100 review. Number 3: The Fujifilm X100 . No matter how you slice it, this thing has been a phenomenon….

via The Online Photographer:

So, a small camera, with a potentially outstanding sensor (again, we really have to wait and see), and a potentially outstanding made-for-the-camera lens of perfect specification? This won’t get the pull from the hoi polloi, the mass market, or the mainstream media that some cameras-of-the-moment get, but for real camera buffs, there’s just nothing we desire right now more than this little beauty.