Overcoming My f/Entekaphobia

Overcoming My f / Entekaphobia

Entekaphobia – fear of the number 11 Or. . . How I Learned to Appreciate Small Aperture Photography If you read my blog much, you know I’m a resolution fanatic. I test every new lens for resolution. For personal use, I’ll choose the lens with higher resol

via LensRentals Blog: http://www.lensrentals.com/blog/2013/03/overcoming-my-fentekaphobia

Being a resoholic, I’ve always been somewhat fanatical about apertures. Whenever possible I shoot with the lens stopped down at least one stop to wring the maximum sharpness out of my lens. But I’m always careful not to stop down too far because I was taught, soon after I picked up a camera, that if you stopped down too far the dreaded diffraction softening would kick in.