We Talked to the Founders of the Found Footage Festival

We Talked to the Founders of the Found Footage Festival

For eight years, a couple guys from Wisconsin with a passion for scouring through dumpsters, second-hand shops, and warehouses have been curating the best, worst, and strangest clips they could find—they’ve made six DVD compilations and a book of VHS…

via Vice: http://m.vice.com/read/we-talked-to-the-founders-of-the-found-footage-festival

The 1980s and 1990s were the glory days of the home movie—cameras and VCRs were affordable and easy to use, but no one had any dang idea how to film something anyone else would want to watch: poorly thought-out video dating profiles; cheesy, no-budget advertisements; and embarrassing corporate training videos abounded, and since this was before the dawn of YouTube, all of those glorious disasters were left to rot in the cavernous bins of thrift stores and garage sales. 

The Found Footage Festival is devoted to bringing those accidental gems to life.