miguel ángel sánchez – ulu pamir

Miguel Angel Sánchez – Ulu Pamir

Miguel Angel Sánchez Ulu Pamir Miguel Ángel Sánchez traveled in 2012 with his studio to Ulu Pamir, Turkey, a far place in the middle of Turkish Kurdistan, hidden between mountains with very hard wi…

via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2013/04/miguel-angel-sanchez-ulu-pamir/

Miguel Ángel Sánchez traveled in 2012 with his studio to Ulu Pamir, Turkey, a far place in the middle of Turkish Kurdistan, hidden between mountains with very hard winters and connected by a tortuous path to Van Lake. 30 years ago, this land was the witness of the arrival of a group of unusual people with unusual features.