Elliott Erwitt, Coloring Outside the Lines

Elliott Erwitt, Coloring Outside the Lines

On the occasion of the release of a new, huge collection of his color work, the Magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt sat down with his photographer son to discuss Kodachrome film, Marilyn Monroe and coaxing horses into hotel rooms.

via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/09/27/elliott-erwitt-coloring-outside-the-lines/?_r=0

Yeah, it’s all film, a lot of the film had to be remastered, you might say, because they were quite old. Kodachrome lasted very well and was in very good condition and Ektachrome needed a lot of help because much of it had faded. Amazingly, with the techniques of today, a lot of the pictures that might have been lost have been remastered.