Signs of Life

Saverio truglia signs of life 01
Link: Signs of Life (10 Photos) | PDN Photo of the Day

Chicago-based portrait photographer Saverio Truglia has an eye for quirky and conceptual photos. Truglia refers to his current series, “Signs of Life,” as a visual time capsule that tells a bizarre story of how life was lived on planet Earth. “‘Signs of Life’ began as a need to show work that I think is funny, kitschy or odd; to catalogue the weird shit that stops me in my tracks,” Truglia told PDN via email. “Overall I’m interested in what makes us, especially Americans, an exceptionally idiosyncratic group of people. Personal style, taste and class all figure into this branch of my work. How we present ourselves and what we leave behind is often really funny or sad if you stop to look at it.”