David Nevala photographs children on an Amish farm in Wisconsin.

Photographing the Unphotographable Amish

How does one photograph a group of people whose beliefs prohibit virtually all photography? David Nevala found out a few summers ago when he arrived in…

via Slate Magazine: http://www.slate.com/blogs/behold/2013/10/24/david_nevala_photographs_children_on_an_amish_farm_in_wisconsin.html

How does one photograph a group of people whose beliefs prohibit virtually all photography? David Nevala found out a few summers ago when he arrived in Hillsboro, Wis., on a daylong assignment to photograph an Amish farm for the farm cooperative Organic Valley. “It was like walking into another world. I was trying my hardest not to do anything wrong or make any mistakes or offend someone,” he said.