Dana Milbank: Obama’s White House takes image control to a new level

Dana Milbank: Obama’s White House takes image control to a new level

The Obama White House determines how events are seen.

via Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dana-milbank-obamas-white-house-takes-image-control-to-a-new-level/2013/11/26/13b95c20-56da-11e3-835d-e7173847c7cc_story.html?wpmk=MK0000205

“There are certain circumstances where it is simply not feasible to have independent journalists in the room when the president is making decisions.”

Making decisions? Here are some of the big moments at which the White House replaced independent eyeballs with in-house eyeballs: The president and first lady waving to a sea of people, with the Washington Monument in the background, on the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s march; Obama swimming with one of his daughters in the Gulf of Mexico to show that the water is clean; Obama embracing one of his daughters in Nelson Mandela’s prison cell; the president touring the West Bank church on the spot where Jesus is thought to have been born (news photographers were allowed to shoot images when George W. Bush toured that location); Obama alone on the Rosa Parks bus, sitting in the same row where the civil rights icon sat; Obama shaking hands on Veterans Day with the oldest living World War II veteran; Obama shaking hands with Mitt Romney in the Oval Office; the first lady and the president greeting kids the day White House tours resumed this month.