yurian quintanas nobel – happy nothing | burn magazine

Yurian Quintanas Nobel – Happy Nothing

Yurian Quintanas NobelHappy NothingThe desert represents decay and death. There is a scarcity of water and shade, extreme temperatures, and a lack of resources for humans to survive on. At the same…

via burn magazine: http://www.burnmagazine.org/essays/2014/07/yurian-quintanas-nobel-happy-nothing/

With the Californian desert as a background, “Happy Nothing” delves into the lives of its inhabitants and its secrets. Here is where ex-convicts, war veterans, retirees and people that for some reason have decided to stay outside of society live. In these towns there is no running water, the houses are in ruins, the streets unpaved, no street lighting, there are no supermarkets or entertainment infrastructures, but despite living in these conditions, they call it the Paradise