Father and Son; Making Photos While Breaking the Rules

Father and Son; Making Photos While Breaking the Rules

Jeff and Henry Jacobson, father and son photographers, discuss their visual influences and making pictures on film and on Instagram.

via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/17/father-and-son-making-photos-while-breaking-the-rules/?gwh=5E59A244AAA62654755D825F6207CC98&gwt=pay

When I started doing color and flash and then joined Magnum, I ran up against the rules that were quite literally laid out by Cartier-Bresson in “The Decisive Moment.” He said we only use black-and-white, and we don’t use “little flashlights” because we respect the natural light. I ran into tremendous resistance to what I was doing in the late ’70s — not just within Magnum, but because no one was doing that in the photojournalism world.

So I had to push up against those rules, violate those rules and pay the price for it in order to do my own work.