With jet crash, news media again weigh where to draw the line on graphic photos – The Washington Post

With jet crash, news media again weigh where to draw the line on graphic photos

As news about the Malaysia Airlines jet crash began breaking Thursday, the Reuters news service tweeted what it described as the first photo from the scene in Ukraine. The image was ghastly: It showed…

via Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/with-jet-crash-news-media-again-weigh-where-to-draw-the-line-on-graphic-photos/2014/07/17/08241856-0de5-11e4-8c9a-923ecc0c7d23_story.html

The Post discourages its reporters from tweeting photos without an editor’s supervision, said MaryAnne Golon, the newspaper’s director of photography. “If there’s a question about it, if it crosses a taste boundary, we ask to vet it first,” she said.