Yvette Marie Dostatni: The Conventioneers | LENSCRATCH

Yvette Marie Dostatni: The Conventioneers

I have been a long time fan and friend of Yvette Marie Dostatni–we had the great opportunity to travel to China together when Sarah Hadley curated our work into the Lishui Photo Festival.  Yvette is one of those photographers who has no fear about enteri

via LENSCRATCH: http://lenscratch.com/2014/12/yvette-marie-dostatni-the-conventioneers/

Yvette Marie Dostatni is working on a book of the culture of Conventioneers and has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds to finish the project and create a book of this long term project of capturing people, who for a weekend, get to live out their of off-beat passions.