2015: Ringing in the New Year – In Focus – The Atlantic

2015: Ringing in the New Year

Two nights ago, as the stroke of midnight rolled across the world's time zones, people gathered in private and took to the streets to celebrate the arrival of the New Year, 2015.

via The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2015/01/2015-ringing-in-the-new-year/100881/

Two nights ago, as the stroke of midnight rolled across the world’s time zones, people gathered in private and took to the streets to celebrate the arrival of the New Year, 2015. Fireworks erupted from Auckland to Rome, and revelers gathered in Chongqing, Cape Town, Rio de Janeiro, New York, and thousands of other places, raising a glass, keeping warm, making resolutions, and wishing each other a “Happy New Year!” [28 photos]