Place and Vision: The Artistic Legacy of Masumi Hayashi | LENSCRATCH

Place and Vision: The Artistic Legacy of Masumi Hayashi

Artist Masumi Hayashi: A Student’s Tribute written by Beth Dubber Masumi Hayashi was a tenured photography professor at Cleveland State University for 24 years. I was fortunate to have been a student of hers for 5 of those years, 1994-1999. Masumi had a h


Masumi Hayashi is perhaps best known for creating striking panoramic photo collages, using smaller color photographs (typically 4-by-6-inch prints) like tiles in a mosaic. Many of these large panoramic pieces involve more than one hundred smaller photographic prints; the rotational scope of the assembled collage can be 360 degrees or even 540 degrees. Much of her work explores socially uncomfortable spaces, including prisons, relocation camps, and Superfund cleanup sites.