Dark, Mystical Portraits Reveal a Fairy Tale World Based on Old German Legend – Feature Shoot

Dark, Mystical Portraits Reveal a Fairy Tale World Based on Old German Legend – Feature Shoot

An important part of Nashalina Schrape’s past belongs to her German roots. Born in Berlin, her grandmother burned all the photos of her grandfather in his SS uniform (“Schutzstaffel” meaning protective echelon founded by Adolf Hitler in 1925) before the i

via Feature Shoot: http://www.featureshoot.com/2015/08/dark-mystical-portraits-reveal-a-fairy-tale-world-based-on-old-german-legend/

An important part of Nashalina Schrape’s past belongs to her German roots. Born in Berlin, her grandmother burned all the photos of her grandfather in his SS uniform (“Schutzstaffel,” meaning protective echelon founded by Adolf Hitler in 1925) before the invading Russian Army could associate them with herself and her daughters. Schrape says her photographs in True Fiction exist in this space between her family’s memory and reality. “I attempt to bridge the disappearance of the image of my grandfather and him to the representation of my family’s story and every person’s story that is at once a myriad of feelings and laden with emotional material mostly outside the possibility of verbal articulation.”