60 Magnum Photographers Reveal Their Most ‘Decisive Moment’ – Feature Shoot

60 Magnum Photographers Reveal Their Most ‘Decisive Moment’ – Feature Shoot

“To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart,” Henri Cartier-Bresson famously proclaimed. Five years after co-founding Magnum Photos, he published what is perhaps the most iconic book in photographic history. With that now familiar co

via Feature Shoot: http://www.featureshoot.com/2016/06/60-magnum-photographers-reveal-their-most-decisive-moment/

There are certain situations that are physically very dramatic and potent; what you need to do is to wait for the moment when respective elements–in this case human forms and physical action–come into a certain kind of rhythm and relationship to make the experience whole and enhance the strength and structure of the frame, bringing a certain kind of dynamism into it. Of course, the colors were dramatic and the forms did the rest of it, and this is how the decisive moment appears to disappear again