The Strange and Joyful Work of an Adopted South Korean Boy Raised in the Swiss Suburbs | American Photo

The Strange and Joyful Work of an Adopted South Korean Boy Raised in the Swiss Suburbs

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Artist Stéphane Winter shows his parents reacting to liquid nitrogen rising from a glass—an at-home experiment from when Winter was studying chemistry. Elsewhere, his mother exercises on the floor prior to a scheduled surgical procedure; his father sits and pores over an Opel car brochure (the vehicle, Winter noted, recently quit after 18 years). Playing with disguises, the whole family dons housedresses; in another image, mother dresses up as son in clothes from his heavy metal phase (Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt, black sneakers). A small sampling of blurry photos, taken by his parents, show young Stéphane before he took up the camera himself.