Danielle Villasana’s Advice on Applying for Grants and Awards | PDNPulse

Danielle Villasana’s Advice on Applying for Grants and Awards | PDNPulse

Photographer Danielle Villasana has won numerous accolades for “A Light Inside,” her project about transgender women. They include the 2015 Inge Morath Award (see “How I Got That Grant: The $5,000 Inge Morath Award“), a 2015 Pride Photo Award, and a place

via PDNPulse: https://pdnpulse.pdnonline.com/2017/06/danielle-villasanas-advice-applying-grants-awards.html

Here is her advice about writing successful grant applications. Grant writing is hard, photography grants are competitive and, as Villasana notes, rejection is inevitable. But here she explain how you can turn the rejection of your grant application to your advantage