Tina Barney: A Life in Photography – The New York Times

Tina Barney: A Life in Photography

Tina Barney’s celebrated photos of her friends and family appear alongside street photography, editorial and fashion projects, and portraits in a new book.

via Lens Blog: https://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/12/20/tina-barney-a-life-in-photography/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog%20Main&contentCollection=Multimedia&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body

For more than three decades, Tina Barney’s large-scale family photos have opened a window to a world beyond most people’s imagination — an idyllic dreamscape of sunny days in well-appointed houses filled with quintessentially dressed, all-American elites. It’s no wonder they are among her best-known works.