Discreet Portraits of People on The New York City Subway in the 70’s – Feature Shoot

Discreet Portraits of People on The New York City Subway in the 70’s – Feature Shoot

Helen Levitt was an extremely private person and preferred to let her photographs speak for her – and if you listen very carefully, you might just hear the Bensonhurst accent…

via Feature Shoot: https://www.featureshoot.com/2018/01/discreet-portraits-of-people-on-the-new-york-city-subway-in-the-70s/

Helen Levitt was an extremely private person and preferred to let her photographs speak for her – and if you listen very carefully, you might just hear the Bensonhurst accent coming through. “Dawling,” a photograph might intone with intimate familiarity, suggesting we come closer to get the gossip or a bite to eat. “Fuhgeddaboudit,” another might insist, making it clear the window for opportunity is firmly shut.