2019 in Photos: Wrapping Up the Year – The Atlantic

2019 in Photos: Wrapping Up the Year

Time to take a look at some of the most memorable events and images of 2019. Events covered in this essay include protests in Hong Kong, Chile, and Iraq; a toxic sky over New Delhi; an all-female team of spacewalkers; and much more.

via The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2019/12/2019-photos-wrapping-up-the-year/602857/

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to take a look at some of the most memorable events and images of 2019. Events covered in this essay (the last of a three-part photo summary of the year) include pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong, anti-government protests in Chile and Iraq, a toxic sky over New Delhi, an all-female team of spacewalkers, a planned “storming” of Area 51, the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian, and much more. See also “Top 25 News Photos of 2019” and “2019 in Photos: Part 1” and “2019 in Photos: Part 2.” The series comprises 120 images in all.