55 Frames with 55 Cameras of One Man at One Moment – By Mark van der Wal – 35mmc

55 Frames with 55 Cameras of One Man at One Moment – By Mark van der Wal – 35mmc

The idea that we all see the world differently; through filtered viewpoints, our own unique perspectives and individual angles was a concept I was keen to portray photographically. I had pictured a person in the middle of many different cameras who would

via 35mmc: https://www.35mmc.com/20/12/2019/55-frames-with-55-cameras-of-one-man-at-one-moment-by-mark-van-der-wal/

The idea that we all see the world differently; through filtered viewpoints, our own unique perspectives and individual angles was a concept I was keen to portray photographically. I had pictured a person in the middle of many different cameras who would then be photographed from multiple positions and each camera with its specific placement, lens, format, sensor or film would in turn reveal its signature image of the same person.